CivCorp Exchange FAQ

What is the CivCorp Shop?

The CivCorp Shop is the largest shop on the server. It contains three shops within it: the CivCorp General Store, the XP Exchange, and the Diamond Exchange.

CivCorp General Store

The CivCorp General Store sells tools, armor, snitches, bastions, building materials, and other assorted goods at competitive prices.

XP Exchange

The XP Exchange allows you to trade XP materials (Wheat, Potato, Beetroot, Carrot, Netherwart, Cocoa Beans, and Glass Bottles) for XP Bottles, and XP Bottles back for XP materials, in bulk and at fair market prices which automatically adjust over time.

The total initial stock of the exchange comprises over 15,000 XP Bottles, and dozens of double chests of XP materials.

We think the exchange will be useful to many different people. If you're a farmer, we think the XP Exchange will be useful to you because:

  • You can instantly turn your crops into XP without doing any work to find a buyer or negotiate prices, and you will receive fair market prices in doing so.
  • If you don’t have access to an XP3 Factory, you will get more XP by selling your crops to the Exchange than you would by running them through XP1 or XP2 recipes.

If you’re an XP producer, we think the XP Exchange will be useful to you because:

  • You can instantly purchase whichever XP materials are a bottleneck in your production process. The exchange sells crops 5 compacted items at a time, which is perfect for doing a single uncompacted XP3 run, and also convenient for compacted XP3 runs.
  • You can sell off excess of your more abundant XP materials at market prices.
  • You may find opportunities to profit off of the exchange by buying all 7 ingredients, crafting them into XP, and ending up with more XP than you paid for the materials.

If you’re a trader or courier, we think the XP exchange will be useful to you because:

  • You can check the Exchange for market prices.
  • You may be able to coordinate a deal where you buy crops from one person and sell it to the Exchange for a profit.


The exchange trades in units of 5 compacted items (or stacks) of crops at a time. A public compactor is available inside the shop free of charge, with Crates available for purchase.

For each crop, there are 16 chests trading items at 8 prices. For each price, we stocked the exchange with 600 XP Bottles or 600 XP Bottles worth of materials. The current price will depend on supply and demand. As people buy more items from the exchange, the price will increase, and as people sell more items to the exchange, the price will decrease.

The opening buy and sell prices are below.

Item Buy Price Sell Price Available Buy Quantity Available Sell Quantity
5 Compacted Items of Wheat 12 18 250 Compacted Items 130 Compacted Items
5 Compacted Items of Potato 30 42 100 Compacted Items 55 Compacted Items
5 Compacted Items of Carrot 35 48 85 Compacted Items 50 Compacted Items
5 Compacted Items of Beet 40 54 75 Compacted Items 40 Compacted Items
5 Compacted Items of Netherwart 45 66 65 Compacted Items 35 Compacted Items
5 Compacted Items of Cocoa Beans 65 90 45 Compacted Items 25 Compacted Items
5 Compacted Items of Glass Bottle 55 78 50 Compacted Items 30 Compacted Items

For example, this means that right now you can sell up to 250 compacted items of Wheat, and for every 5 compacted items you sell, you will receive 12 XP Bottles. After selling 250 compacted items, you can continue to sell Wheat, but the price will be reduced to 10 XP Bottles per exchange.

We trade in units of 5 compacted items (or stacks) for a few reasons:

  • 5 stacks of each ingredient is enough to run the uncompacted XP Level 3 recipe once.
  • Compacted items are easier to transport and can easily be run through the compacted XP recipe.
  • You can easily determine the value of a single stack by dividing the price by 5, and you can easily determine the rough value of a double chest by multiplying by 10. For example, if the XP Exchange's market price for Beetroot is 40 XP bottles, then that means a single stack of Beetroot is worth 8 XP Bottles, and a double chest of Beetroot (54 stacks) is worth a little over 400 XP bottles.

Prices at the exchange are and will be the most fair prices on the server. This is for the simple reason that if prices were too high, farmers or speculators would be motivated to sell crops to the exchange, thus lowering the price, and if prices were too low, XP producers or speculators would be motivated to buy crops from the exchange, thus raising the price. If you ever visit the exchange and find that the prices don’t seem fair to you, then that means there is an opportunity to profit by either buying from or selling to the exchange. If you think the price is too low, you stand to make money by buying. If you think the price is too high, you stand to make money by selling.

Because prices respond to supply and demand, there should always be availability of whatever item you are looking for, though it may be at a different price than you would like. It is virtually impossible to visit the Exchange and find it out of stock.

Diamond Exchange

The Diamond Exchange allows you to trade Diamonds for Stamina, and Stamina for Diamonds, in bulk and at fair market prices which automatically adjust over time.

The total initial stock of the Diamond Exchange includes over 500 Diamonds and over 200 Stamina, to enable bulk trade and stable prices.

The Diamond Exchange is housed on the first floor of The CivCorp Shop.

  • If you're a new player trying to build a Stamina reserve, the Diamond Exchange will help make sure you get the most out of the Diamonds you mine.
  • If you're an established player trying to repair an expensive factory or come up with Stamina for a trade deal, the Diamond Exchange will allow you to convert diamonds into Stamina in bulk and at fair market rates.
  • If you're a Mithril producer, or if you need Diamonds for reinforcements, the Diamond Exchange will allow you to immediately buy large quantities of Diamonds at fair market rates.
  • If you're a trader, the Diamond Exchange will help determine a rate to convert between Diamonds and Stamina. If you prefer to take payment in one form or the other, either you or your trading partner can use the Diamond Exchange to achieve that.

The Diamond Exchange trades in units of 2 Stamina at a time. It has 32 chests trading at 8 different prices. At each price, you can buy or sell at least 2 stacks of Diamonds before the price changes. The current market price will depend on supply and demand. As people buy more Diamonds from the exchange, the price will increase, and as people sell more Diamonds to the exchange, the price will decrease.